To study or not?

Every other day, my son works on a few pages of summer math homework. We also have to keep a reading log, which tracks the seven books he's to read over about 12 weeks. Did I mention he's going into second grade?Here's the thing: My kid loves math (for now) and he lists reading as one of his favorite things to do (for now). Summer homework isn't a battle for us unlike last year, where he spent the last two days of his summer break working on his math workbook and completing a journal. (I'd like to think he learned his lesson about procrastination.)As a parent, I like that he has summer homework because it helps fosters a love of learning. The homework isn't intense; it's really a review of the past year, just to keep the academic juices flowing. The other benefit is that his homework routine doesn't get completely thrown, which makes it easier for all of us when school starts in late August.But I'm sure many of you dread having to ask your kids to do their summer homework––either because they hate doing it or because you feel like homework shouldn't be assigned over the break.According to the National Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University, most students lose about "two months of grade level equivalency in mathematical computation skills" during their summer vacation. This "summer slide" is one reason why teachers spend so much time at the front end of the school year reviewing what their students learned the previous year.

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